The Hungarian Business Leaders Forum (HBLF), the ICEG European Center and Figyelő organise a high level conferenceFinancial summit VIII. – Figyelő TOP200
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Date: 10 October 2008, FridayVenue: Danubius Health Spa Resort (Margitsziget)
The language of the conference is Hungarian and English with simultaneous interpreting.
The Hungarian economy is in a difficult situation. Even in a comparison of regional scale, our growth and fiscal performance is extremely modest. That is why the time has come for us to survey the possibilities of competitiveness and to see with which means we can exploit them, on the one hand, in the field of macroeconomy and public finances, on the other hand, from the side of the company sphere and capital investments.
At all the former programmes, we greeted not only high-ranking and acknowledged lecturers, but also an audience made up of company leaders and leading civil servants. Thus, the conference offered the possibility of acquiring information directly, and also served as a unique venue for building relationships.
In October, our conference dealt with the two most important economic issues relevant to Hungary. On the one hand, the process of convergence, the effects of the adjustments, the situation of economic growth, as well as rasping public finance reforms were discussed. On the other hand, the most important question of the globalised world economy - regional development and possibilities of capital flows and investments, within that, the role of Hungary – received accentuated attention. These topics of the conference were stressed more heavily at the two section meetings following the plenary.
As a tradition, the main lecturers of the event were István Stumpf and Lajos Bokros, the professional organisers and moderators were Borbála Czakó and József Péter Martin.
Guests at the conference were:
- Lajos Bokros
István Stumpf
Ivan Miklos
- Borbála Czakó
Pál Gáspár
József Péter Martin
- Tibor Draskovics
Gordon Bajnai
Mihály Varga
- Ferenc Karvalits
László Ábrahám
György Barcza
- György Bobvos
Christoph Rosenberg
László Diósi
- László Drajkó
László Kapolyi
Mihály Kupa
- László Parragh
Raffaella Tenconi
István Szabó
- Tamás Vitézi
István Zsoldos
If you have any further questions about the conference please contact Tamás Borkó at (+36-1)-248-1160/108,
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