The first event of the AMCHAM - ICEG EC Morning Presentation Series
"ICT - E - commerce, productivity and growth in Hungary and in the region"
Date: 17. May 2006.
Venue: The Budapest Stock Exchange (1052 Bp., Deák Ferenc u. 5.) .
The conference was hold in Hungarian, with simultaneous translation to English.
The first event of the AMCHAM - ICEG EC Morning Presentation Series took place on the 17 th of May at the Budapest Stock Exchange. The title of the first presentation was "ICT - E-commerce, productivity and growth in Hungary and in the region", and was held by Mr.Pál Gáspár, director of ICEG European Center.
The presentation reviewed how the ICT sector can contribute to competitiveness and growth. It briefly covered the experiences of the EU 15 and the Asian fast growing economies and then addressed the Hungarian situation.
Other Scheduled topics in the series:
- Part II. Timing of Eurozone accession, preconditions and affects on the economy
- Part III. Reallocation of FDI between New Member States 10 and EU 15:
- Part IV: Growth and microeconomic situation in the Balkans and the short term outlook
You might find detailed information about the event here.
The presentation from Pál Gáspár is available here (in English).
If you have any further questions about the Presentation Series please call Gábor Pellényi at (1)-248-1160 telephone number or send email to the following email address: