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EPIN Training Workshop and Mentoring


UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) www.undp.org

Aim of the Project:

As an experienced and active member of the EPIN (Economic Policy Institutes Network), ICEG European Center was charged with the organisation of a workshop in order to train selected candidates (EPIN young researchers) on how to design research proposals, how to conduct research and how to write research papers using the advantages both of e-learning and personal and/or group consulting. The workshop facilitated the discussion on how to strengthen the EPIN network and foreseen options.

The was held on 28-29 April 2008 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The homepage of the workshop is available here.

Program (pdf) »

Participants (pdf) »

The ICEG European Center was responsible not only for developing the workshop’s professional content and providing training primarily for young researchers of EPIN from Central Asia and Caucasus, but our institute also provides the professional experiences for mentoring of research efforts of these applicants in the course of May-September period.

Further information: Tamás Borkó (tborko@icegec.hu).