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South-Eastern European Monitor
With the support of Corvinus Rt., the ICEG European Center launches a new series, called ICEG EC – Corvinus SEE Monitor, or shortly SEE Monitor. This paper will basically focus on seven Southeast European countries. These are Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Serbia and Montenegro. The bi-weekly published paper will deal with the most important economic issues related to this region which can be useful for the readership.
We believe that there is an increasing interest towards SEE region both from politics and economics. Undoubtedly, these countries will be Member States of European Union sooner or later. Some of them are well advanced in European integration process and some of them are at the early stage of this process. However, the number of candidate countries from the SEE region will increase gradually. Certainly, from the aspect of EU, the integration of this neighboring region is also a priority in the medium and long-term future. On the other hand, the FDI inflows are also increasing in this region which reflects appropriately the increasing interest from the economic actors. We believe that these trends will continue in the future. That is the reason why we think that the launch of this series is rational.
Preparing the first volume, we have tried to find really relevant and practical issues that can be helpful for the wide spread of readership. That is why we chose the topic of European integration of the region. This is an always-relevant topic, while, the Regular Reports published at the beginning of October 2004 also made this topic current. Besides this, the first paper deals with the increasing public debt in Croatia, the changes of monetary policy in Romania and the decreasing Corporate Tax Rate in Bulgaria.