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International Economic Forum - Krynica - 6-9 September 2006

"European Challenges: The Question of Europe's Identity"

"Europe Towards eServices, Innovation and Growth" Krynica Economic Forum, Agenda of the "New Economy" track
6 - 8th of September 2006, Poland

Location: Pijalna Glowna, Sala Jana


  Updated: 12 September 2006



A Panel Program organised by:

The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
ICEG European Center (Budapest, Hungary)

Moderators of the Program:

This year's contribution of the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (DG Joint Research Centre, European Commission) and of the International Centre for Economic Growth (Budapest, Hungary) to the Krynica Economic Forum 2006 was based on past and current research about Knowledge Society developments in an Enlarged Europe.

The successive panels aimed at better understanding and identifying Knowledge Society strategies for the European countries that would support their economic and social development. In particular, the panels addressed the question of the development trajectories of the New European Member States and Candidate Countries towards the Knowledge Society, taking into account both their present specificities and the changing global context. The object was to reach some useful guidelines to enrich future orientations in research and political strategies at national and European level, with special attention to the role of ICT.

The panels were organized around three major themes: Growth, Innovation and Services. While documenting and debating these broad themes, the panels aimed at answering the three following questions:

  • Europe towards Growth? What are the prospects of the European Knowledge-based Society in a globalised society? How can Europe improve its competitive edge whilst maintaining its specificity? What are the visions for Europe's future growth?
  • Europe towards Innovation? What technologies will be needed to support industrial change? What are the general ICT trends? Where will the next paradigm shifts occur? What are the visions for Europe's future innovation capacities?
  • Europe towards a Service Economy? How far has Europe progressed towards the Information Society and the Knowledge Society? What type of applications will European citizens demand? What are future successful IST strategies?


Almost 40 Presenters, including representatives of international institutions, public authorities, research community presented their views in various Panels. Under Programme the final program can be seen. The presentations and papers of the conference are available under Presentationsand Abstracts, while the information about speakers under Presenters .


The working language of the conference is English.


Further information

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