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Economic and Political Relations after the EU Enlargement:
The Visegrad Countries and Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

Under the auspices of Mr. Péter Medgyessy, Prime Minister of Hungary.

Date of the Conference: 5-6 February, 2004.
Venue:István Széchenyi Room of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Budapest (1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt.9)

The conference was a first event of a research program funded by Freedom House and UNDP that focused on the future of economic relations between the Visegrad countries and the CIS countries. The conference featured both plenary sessions with invited keynote speakers and sessions devoted to special topics including the political and macroeconomic developments in the regions and the relation between them in political and security issues, finance, investments, shadow economy, foreign trade and corporate sector. The conference featured presentations from political scientists, researchers, representatives of business organizations and governments as well as international financial organizations.

List of participants

Programme of the conference with lectures (in .pps format)