Ezen a lapon találja a 2004. oktüber 18-án lezajlott "Trends and Prospects in the Information Society: Hungary and the New Member States" című konferenciánk részletes programját. Bizonyos előadások prezentációi az előadás címére kattintva azonnal elérhetőek.

"Trends and Prospects in the Information Society:
Hungary and the New Member States"


08:30-09:00 - REGISTRATION

Opening of the conference
Péter Bakonyi Deputy Secretary of the State on IS Strategy

"Past Factors and Future Challenges for IS Developments in Europe"
Marc Bogdanowicz Senior Researcher
JRC, Institute for Prospective Studies, Seville

"Factors and Impacts in the Information Society: Analysis of the New Member States and Associated Candidate Countries"
Pál Gáspár Director
ICEG European Center

10:45-11:15 - COFFEE BREAK

"Trends and Potential Prospects in the Information Society in Slovakia"
Peter Druga
Slovak Governance Institute, Bratislava

"Hungary: relative position of ICT and IST developments compared to NMS and EU"
Anita Halász Research Fellow
ICEG European Center

"eEurope in an EU of 25"
Ken Ducatel, Head of Sector eEurope
Directorate General Information Society (DG INFSO), Brussels

13:15-13-45 - COFFEE BREAK

"Trends and Prospects in the Information Society"
Péter Baján Country Manager
Siemens Rt.

"Trends and challenges from a regional IT solution
provider view"

Miklós Hoffmann , Technical Director
Synergon Rt.