ICEG EC Home » Events » Krynica Economic Forum 2006 Home » Panels » Panel "Structural Funds and the Building of the Knowledge Society in Eastern Europe"Panel "Structural Funds and the Building of the Knowledge Society in Eastern Europe"
Updated: 5 September 2006
Friday 8 th of September 2006,
morning, 09 h 00
Chair: Dr. Pál Gáspár, Director, ICEG European Center, Hungary
The panel will be directed at assessing the possibilities of using the Structural Funds and the incoming funding for projects that promote the building of the Knowledge Society in the recipient countries. The lessons of cohesion countries and the first experiences with using the Structural Funds in NMS during 2004-2006 will be considered too.Speakers:
- Mr. János Matolcsy, Director, EU and Government Services Department of KPMG Advisory, Hungary
- Dr. Andrea Mairate, Head of Evaluation and Additionality Unit, DG REGIO, European Commission,
- Mr. Witold Sartorius, Director General, Polish Competence Centre for eGovernment and eEducation (PCC), Poland