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Annaflavia Bianchi


  • Curriculum Vitae Ms. Annaflavia Bianchi

    Annaflavia Bianchi, Italian economist, joint the IPTS Institute for Prospective Technological Studies - JRC EC - ICT Unit, in november 2004 as visiting scientist.
    She previously worked at Telecom Italia in a research centre in Venice, at CURDS, Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies, University of Newcastle, UK, at ASTER (Agency for Technology Transfer of the Emilia-Romagna Region) and at Nomisma, a private Italian research institute, both in Bologna, Italy.
    Her main research interests have been: economic development factors; characteristics of the local economies; international integration, technology dynamics, especially focusing on ICT and knowledge.
    At the IPTS her main research areas are the evolution and scenario building of applications, especially eGovernment and inclusion, and the different paths of development of the Information and Knowledge society and growth.
    A special focus is devoted on uneven developed areas, on fast growing Asian countries, their path towards the information society and the role of ICT for growth and cohesion in a global Knowledge-based Economy.




Annaflavia Bianchi