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Itzhak Goldberg


  • Curriculum Vitae Prof. Itzhak Goldberg

    Dr. Itzhak Goldberg is Lead Specialist at the Private and Financial Sectors Development Unit at the World Bank. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago , having studied under the guidance of three Nobel Laureates in Economics, and was a fellow at the Hoover Institution in Stanford. After an 11-year career in the corporate sector in Israel , he joined the World Bank to work on the transition economies in 1990 and has since worked on privatization, investment climate and innovation in most Central European, Balkan and Former Soviet Union countries.

    About Itzhak Goldberg  

    Dr. Goldberg has been with the World Bank since 1990, mostly in the ECA region in different departments. He joined the Private and Financial Sector Unit of ECA in 1997. He has been in charge of private sector development programs in various countries in the region ( Azerbaijan , Armenia , Romania , Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan ) and he was pivotal in the design and implementation of the Privatization Program of the Government of Serbia, which has been recognized as a success story. More recently, he has devoted his attention to the economics of innovation and technology upgrading, managing the Knowledge Economy Assessment in Poland in 2004 and more recently the Europe and Central Asia Knowledge Economy Study Part I, where he deals with the economics as well as the mechanics of public financial support for commercial innovation. He is currently engaged in the Europe and Central Asia Knowledge Economy Study Part II, where he will study the determinants of technology diffusion and absorption in the ECA region.

    Mr. Goldberg obtained his PhD from the University of Chicago in 1976, after studying Economics in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Prior to joining the World Bank, he was the Chief Economist and member of the executive board of Dead Sea Works Limited in Israel and Adjunct Professor of Economics in the Ben Gurion University in Israel . He also worked as a Research Fellow in Hoover Institution in the United States in the late 70s. Mr. Goldberg has published extensively in the fields of the business environment and its impact on productivity (e.g. ‘Productivity, ownership and the investment climate: international lessons for priorities in Serbia', 2005, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3681) and privatization (e.g. ‘The Politics of Russian Enterprise Reform: Insiders, Local Governments, and the Obstacles to Restructuring', 2001, World Bank Research Observer v16 No.2).






Itzhak Goldberg