Michal Mejstrík
Curriculum Vitae Prof. Michal Mejstrík
Professor Mejstrík had completed his MA diploma in econometrics at Prague School of Economics and received his postgraduate title for academic research of project assessment and welfare economics. He had pursued advanced studies at the London School of Economics (1990-91). B etween June 1991-June 1993 the cofounder and later the director of Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education (CERGE), Charles University, when it was awarded by EU ACE Center of Excellence as a CEE regional postgraduate center. Since 1997 he has been a professor of economics and finance at Charles University and since 1993 he has developed -as a Chairman- the Institute of Economic Studies at Charles University , the prestigious economic think tank in Czech Republic that has recently been also a mentor for 10 Eurasian research projects via UNDP-EPIN.
He has published over 150 contributions worldwide in the fields of better governance, corporate finance, financial markets and welfare economics that are often quoted (he was graded among the five of the most cited Czech economists among 1230 ones based upon international citations on Web of science).
Selected publications
Mejstrík M. et al.,2004, The Cultivation of Financial Market in the Czech republic, Carolinum Press Prague , 400 pages, ISBN 80-246-0980-0
Mejstrík, M.,2003: Privatization and Corporate Governance in the Czech Republic . In: Parker, D., Saal, D.: Handbook on Privatization. Edward Edgar Publishers, London , ISBN 1 84064-613-6,pp.375-401
Mejstrik, M., Zemplinerova, A.,Dervis (editors and contributors) et al., 1997 .:The privatization process in East-Central Europe : Evolutionary process of Czech privatization . Kluwer Academic Publishing, Norwell , Massachusetts , USA , 317 pp., ISBN 0-7923-4096-5
Mejstrik, M., 2005, Czech small and medium businesses facing single European market in the light of empirical survey (in Polish) , In: Male i srednie przedsiebiorstwa w obliczu internacjonalizacji i integracji gospodarek europejskich: Przyklady Wloch, Francji, Polski i Czech (ed. P. Dominiak, J. Wasilczuk, N. Daszkiewicz), Scientific Publishing Group , Gdansk, ISBN 83-921075-9-4
Mejstrik. M., 2003,Privatization, regulation and deregulation of utilities in EU and CR: expectations and facts (in Czech), In :Rozvoj ceske spolecnosti v Evropske unii II, Matfyz ISBN 80-86732-35-5,Praha
Mejstrík, M.,2002: Czech Banking Sector. Final Integration towards EU: Summary (in Czech). In: Kabele, J., Pscheidt, S.: Konsolidace vladnutí a podnikani v Ceske republice a v Evropske unii vol 1 . , Univerzita Karlova, Praha. pp 169-172.
Mejstrík, M., 2000: Privatization, Foreign Investment and Corporate Governance in the Czech Republic . In: Conference Prague 1999: Transitional Societies in Comparison, Peter Lang Press, Berlin , pp. 437-474
Mejstrik, M., 1997: Privatization in the Czech Republic and Russia : The Voucher Model. In: Giersch H..(ed.) Privatization at the End of the Century , Springer Verlag Berlin , ISBN 3-54063-0279
Mejstrík, M.,1999: Altruism and Corporate Governance In: Hlavacek, J. a kol Microeconomics of Altruism (in Czech), Karolinum,Praha, ISBN 80-7184-8565, pp. 128- 131 a pp. 188-196
Professor Mejstrik has been often invited to lecture worldwide. E.g. in February 2006 he lectured on diversity of European Social Models for EPP members of European parliament.
He has also been involved in a number of USAid, World Bank, UNDP and EU consultancy assignments for governments in Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Ukraine , Baltic Republics , Russia , Romania and Bosnia-Hercegovina and through advisory company EEIP a.s. , also to Czech government, EU and number of multinational corporations. EEIP is responsible for Egovernment, Ehealth and Elearning EU funded projects in the Czech Republic as well. See more on
http://ies.fsv.cuni.cz/ and www.eeip.cz .