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Macroeconomics - Events



International Conferences on macroeconomc topics organised jointly by ICEG European Center.

Past Conferences

"Macroeconomic effects of Absorbing the Structural Funds in the New Member States"
(Budapest, 13 December, 2006)

The International Monetary Fund and ICEG European Center organise a workshop titeled: "Regional Outlook for Central Europe and the Baltics: Anchoring policies in uncertain time"
(Budapest, 16 October, 2006)

Financial Summit IV, "Challenges - Breaking the Mould?"
(Budapest, 28 August, 2006)

"Critical Decisions After Elections
(Budapest, 16 June, 2006)

"Growth and Jobs: Challenges to Lisbon Strategy and European Competitiveness"
(Budapest, 6-7 April, 2006)

Financial Summit III, Last Chance: Public Finances Reform
(Budapest, 17 February, 2006)

Economic Growth in Hungary: Current Developments and Outlook
(Budapest, 9 December, 2005)

Presentation on the Regional Perspective on the IMF's World Economic Outlook
(Budapest, 30 September, 2005)

Financial Summit II - 130 points - 100 steps - 1 reform
(Budapest, 16 September, 2005)

South Eastern Europe after EU Enlargement and before Accession
(Budapest, 4-5 April, 2005)

Conference on Expected effects of the EU Accession on the Visegrád countries
(Budapest, 20-21 March, 2003)

Exchange Rate Strategies During the EU Enlargement
(November, 2002)

Managing Capital Inflows in Eastern Europe
(November, 2001)

Alternatives for Exchange Rate Regime in Transition Economies
(Vienna , September, 2001)

Managing Foreign Capital Flows in Eastern Europe
(May, 2001)

Alternatives for Exchange Rate Regime in Transition Economies
(Budapest, April, 2001)